The approach to the Professional Environment model: A case of reducing the Transactional Distance in the Distance Learning
Educação a distância, Distância transacional, Competência profissional, Educação formal, Evasão escolarAbstract
This article presents the impact of the implementation of the Ambiente de Aproximação Profissional - AAP discipline of Unyleya College undergraduate courses on the reducing of the Transactional Distance and, consequently, on the School Dropout. The discipline of AAP arises from the need for articulation between theory and practice. On this context, exercises of competences are apply to the professional context. For data collection, a qualitative research was carried out through document analysis and the application of a questionnaire to the course coordinators. The objective of the study is to present practical solutions to school dropout by exposing an applied case. Moreover, its importance in this article lies in the fact that the abandonment of formal education is one of the major bottlenecks of distance education today. By observing the precepts of andragogy and applying the teachings to the reality of the students' labor marketing, it is possible to notice the greater interest of learners in remaining in formal education. However, changes in the education system, as well as further research, are necessary both to confirm the reduction of Transactional Distance and to achieve better results in combating dropout.
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