Ensino Superior., Ensino Remoto., Pós-Graduação., Programa stricto sensu., Covid-19.Abstract
This research was born out of the need to investigate the challenges of a stricto sensu course at a Federal University in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, from the perspective of adaptations experienced by the faculty and students. Faced with the abrupt stoppage in March 2020, the EICOS Program - Graduate Program in Psychosociology of Communities and Social Ecology, from of the UFRJ, an face-to-face course, had to adapt its procedures and technology to resume classes in a remote teaching, a modality that became the answer for the continuity of teaching and learning in general, a challenging scenario for Education as a whole. At that time, the teachers of the EICOS Program had degrees of dissymmetry in relation to their familiarity with Distance Learning, a modality that has similarities and also differences with Remote Teaching. The research intended, in a quantitative-qualitative way, to use as data analysis instruments, questionnaires and interviews among teachers and students, aiming to collect information regarding the moment of cessation of academic activities, the challenges in terms of technological and methodological issues, as well as the adaptations for all academic activities and perceptions regarding the Remote Teaching in the course and for the parties involved.
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