DIMENSÃO SOCIOEDUCATIVA DO SERVIÇO SOCIAL: A arte como instrumento de trabalho para o assistente social
Art; Work; Social Service; Instrumentality; InterventionAbstract
The present work has as its theme art as an instrument of professional work of the social worker. The interest in studying the subject was through different experiences, among which, the participation in a social project that used music, dance, theater, among others. In this way, the questioning of how art can be an important instrument in the intervention of the social worker arose. Therefore, the work seeks to understand art as an instrument of Social Work and to quantify the theoretical production on Social Work and Art. To achieve this objective, a bibliographic and documentary research was carried out in order to map and analyze productions on the subject. The hypothesis indicates that art as a working tool for social workers has the function of encouraging the critical awareness of human beings, leading them to their autonomy, in addition to being an innovative instrument of Social Work. It was noticed through the bibliographic survey, that in the Social Work the production on the subject is little studied.
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