
  • Fabrício Ramos Penedo Unylaya/professor
  • Wilson Paz da Silva
  • Rosangela Godinho Loureiro
  • Gleiner Vinicius Vieira Costa
  • Priscila Cavalcanti Armengol
  • Luiz Rogério Cordeiro de Oliveira
  • Wesley Pinto da Silva
  • Simone Godinho Loureiro


Teaching. Creative economy. Entrepreneurship.


The general objective of this article is to address the importance of the creative economy in teaching, and how it can be implemented in a school in the interior of the city of Maciço do Baturité, State of Ceará; and as specific objectives to present the characteristics of the creative economy; and how to add the good practices of the creative economy in elementary education in Maciço do Baturité - CE. This article is justified, since the implementation of the creative economy in elementary education can bring many benefits to students and the school community. The nature of this research is of the qualitative type with bibliographical research carried out in scientific articles, books and theses of the scientific bases: SCIELO, Google Scholar and Periodicals CAPES, which deal with the aforementioned theme: teaching and creative economy. Firstly, the theoretical survey of scientific articles from the period between 2014 and 2023 was dealt with, and subsequently the writing and discussion of the results found. The implementation of the creative economy in elementary education can contribute to the economic and social development of the community in which the school is located.


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How to Cite

Ramos Penedo, F., Paz da Silva, W., Godinho Loureiro, R., Vieira Costa, G. V., Cavalcanti Armengol , P., Cordeiro de Oliveira, L. R., Pinto da Silva, W., & Godinho Loureiro, S. (2023). AS BOAS PRÁTICAS DA ECONOMIA CRIATIVA PARA O ENSINO EM ESCOLAS NO INTERIOR DA CIDADE DE MACIÇO DO BATURITÉ. Educação Sem Distância - Revista Eletrônica Da Faculdade Unyleya, 1(7). Retrieved from



Práticas profissionais: Gestão