Strategic Alignment between business unit and IT (Information Technology) in companies: A systematic mapping



Strategic alignment. IT governance. Strategic alignment model. Information technology. Business unit.


The strategic alignment between business units (BU) with information and communication technology (IT) has been widely discussed in corporate organizations as a key issue by directors and managers in organizations that operate in various segments to support processes and optimize organizational performance. However, there still few organizations that benefit from all the benefits of this alignment. Although there are several models of strategic alignment between the BU and IT that have validated best practices and proven results internationally by various organizations, this is still a challenge faced by several CIO (Chief Information Officer) and by science. This article proposed to carry out a systematic study of the literature with a literature mapping study to determine the critical factors influencing the context of strategic alignment between the BU and IT.


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How to Cite

Gorgonho, M., & Furtado, F. (2021). Strategic Alignment between business unit and IT (Information Technology) in companies: A systematic mapping. Educação Sem Distância - Revista Eletrônica Da Faculdade Unyleya, 2(2). Retrieved from



Práticas profissionais: Tecnologia