ENSINO REMOTO E PANDEMIA DE COVID-19: percepção docente sobre suas condições de trabalho no Ensino Superior


  • MARCIO DE SOUZA Faculdade Unyleya/PUC-Rio/UNESA/UGB


Pandemic - Remote Teaching - Working Conditions


The study presented here aimed to know the perception of teachers regarding their working conditions during Remote Teaching in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. For that, a Survey (Opinion Survey) was carried out, with a sample of 30 professors from different Higher Education Institutions in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, through a questionnaire with 34 objective questions and 02 open questions, prepared in Google Forms. and sent to participants via Whatsapp. The research findings revealed, on the part of the teachers, a perception of the precariousness of their working conditions (stress, excess of activities in the preparation of the contents taught in remote disciplines, working hours beyond the expected, difficulties in connecting with the internet, lack of personal teacher-student interaction, among others).


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How to Cite

DE SOUZA, M. (2022). ENSINO REMOTO E PANDEMIA DE COVID-19: percepção docente sobre suas condições de trabalho no Ensino Superior. Educação Sem Distância - Revista Eletrônica Da Faculdade Unyleya, 4(2). Retrieved from https://educacaosemdistancia.unyleya.edu.br/esd/article/view/165