
  • Fabrício Ramos Penedo Unylaya/professor
  • Wilson Paz da Silva
  • Rodrigo Câmara de Queiroz
  • Gleiner Vinicius Vieira Costa
  • Victor Rafael Vieira Costa
  • Luiz Rogério Cordeiro de Oliveira
  • Wesley Pinto da Silva
  • Simone Godinho Loureiro


Trabalho em saúde;, Segurança Alimentar Ambulante. Sustentabilidade. Condições Higiênico Sanitárias.


In the past, there was an increase in violence indicators, demonstrated in public security segments. This increase in violence has demanded more important public safety policies and, consequently, incurred an increase in physical and emotional activities for workers in different segments. The present work proposes as a general objective the presentation of the necessary solutions, in order to help the treatment of the Burnout Syndrome, which can help the psychologist in their routines, and as specific objectives: to indicate the characteristics of the Burnout Syndrome, and its interaction with military police and; check the available bibliography (articles, norms and resolutions), regarding the topic addressed. The nature of this research is of the qualitative type with bibliographical research carried out in scientific articles, books and theses of the scientific bases: SCIELO, Google Scholar, PUBMED and CAPES Periodicals, which deal with the aforementioned theme associated with Burnout Syndrome that can help the psychologist in their routines. Firstly, the theoretical survey of scientific articles from the period between 2014 and 2021 was dealt with, and subsequently the writing and discussion of the results found. The Burnout Syndrome presents itself as one of the contemporary psychosocial problems and emerges as a consequence of the interpersonal stressors that occur in the work situation.


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How to Cite

Ramos Penedo, F., Paz da Silva, W., Câmara de Queiroz, R., Vinicius Vieira Costa, G., Vieira Costa, V. R., Cordeiro de Oliveira, L. R., Pinto da Silva, W., & Godinho Loureiro, S. (2022). AS CARACTERÍSTICAS DA SÍNDROME DE BURNOUT IDENTIFICADAS EM POLICIAIS MILITARES. Educação Sem Distância - Revista Eletrônica Da Faculdade Unyleya, 4(2). Retrieved from