LIBERDADE E EMANCIPAÇÃO: o olhar sobre os princípios fundamentais do Código de Ética do assistente social



Code of ethics; Freedom and Emancipation; Social Worker.


The professional social worker is committed to complying with the determinations of the 1993 Code of Ethics for social workers, with this, the extreme importance of understanding these professionals when it comes to what is exposed in each ethical principle required in their work. Therefore, this research focused on presenting an analysis of the topic of freedom and emancipation in its aspects, and how they are understood by professionals in their reality of work. The methodology adopted in this research was the qualitative approach and as for the procedure adopted, a survey was carried out through a form sent to professionals who are in the labor market. The choice of this theme is justified by its importance, because when it comes to any profession, the Code of Ethics works as a compass to guide the performance of professionals. The results of the research showed that, despite being a very important topic for the area of ​​Social Work, much still needs to be studied so that, in fact, the society in which we are inserted will actually have freedom and emancipation effected.


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How to Cite

DE SOUZA, M., & MENDES GONÇALVES, K. B. (2023). LIBERDADE E EMANCIPAÇÃO: o olhar sobre os princípios fundamentais do Código de Ética do assistente social. Educação Sem Distância - Revista Eletrônica Da Faculdade Unyleya, 5(1). Retrieved from