O TRABALHO COMO PROCESSO HISTÓRICO-SOCIAL: apontamentos sobre sua centralidade ontológica



Trabalho; Teleologia; Práxis Social; Processo de trabalho.


This article aims to reflect on the theoretical and historical foundations on the ontological centrality of the work category. The methodology used was bibliographical research in search of a brief deepening of the theme, due to the need to review some concepts, such as work, teleology, social praxis and work process. Theoretical reflections confirm that the development and gradual differentiation of the social being have their genesis in the work itself. That is, work is the generating category in the genesis and development of the social being, an activity typical of human beings, which promotes their self-creation and, therefore, provides opportunities for their expanded reproduction.


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How to Cite

DE SOUZA, M. (2023). O TRABALHO COMO PROCESSO HISTÓRICO-SOCIAL: apontamentos sobre sua centralidade ontológica. Educação Sem Distância - Revista Eletrônica Da Faculdade Unyleya, 5(1). Retrieved from https://educacaosemdistancia.unyleya.edu.br/esd/article/view/183