Inovação, Qualidade e Confiabilidade: em busca de uma nova metodologia pedagógica do ensino de engenharia no Brasil.
Engineering, Quality, Innovation, Reliability, Curricular structuresAbstract
Quality means that a product or service complies with its published specification and attends or exceeds the customer's expectations. In this moment of lack of reliability in Brazil, education becomes an imperative priority in the development and promotion of greater equality among Brazilian citizens. Currently the elaboration of an engineering curriculum structure is the identity and institutional reliability pursued by the current and future students. The organization of the structure of engineering courses in cores initiation, solidifying and emancipation enables the dialogue between the disciplines that make up the nuclei as well as a articulation between them. In various fields of science, mainly engineering, progress has been made to lay the foundations of a new paradigm less rigid, and more respect for the complexity that has been detected in the techniques, management and strategic planning of companies and in Society in general.
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