

affiliation, afection, personality


This article promotes a brief reflective analysis of the relationship between personality rights and the contemporary family, focusing on the institute's affiliation socioaffective recently outlined by Brazilian law. The institute's affiliation socioaffective, as well as other aspects of family law, has been developed by doctrine and jurisprudence, using as a foundation the constitutional validity of affection, arising from the principle of matrix-human dignity. Besides the demonstration of the basic idea of the right of personality, the article deals with the development of membership over time, based on using the evolution of the concept of family, the core of our society. The article concludes by focusing on the paradigm of affectivity in contemporary legal scenario, demonstrating the importance of this affection as an intrinsic component of the formation of the human personality, holder of personal rights, recognized as such in the course of history.


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How to Cite

Hogemann, R. (2023). REFLECTIONS ON THE PERSONALISM RIGHT FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS IN THE LIGHT OF THE PRINCIPLE OF AFFECTIVENESS. Educação Sem Distância - Revista Eletrônica Da Faculdade Unyleya, 1(7). Retrieved from